Kidney stones : Cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention

 Cause :

Nowadays, due to busy life, people are not able to keep the timing of eating and drinking. If people do not get the right time, they have to face different diseases. Kidney stone disease is one of them. Sometimes eating outside food, junk foods, eating too much oily food, eating spices, gravy foods, not drinking water in right quantity, these are the reasons for more kidney diseases nowadays. Lots and lots people have kidney stones it’s estimated that the  almost 20% of men and 10% women will have had a kidney stone by the time they reach the age of 70. 70%-80% kidney stones are made of thing called calcium oxalate the reminder of kidney stones are composed of things like calcium phosphate or uric acid or struvite and cysteine those are less common the type of kidney stones you have determines the exact risk factors for that type of stone formation so for example : calcium oxalate stones form with different risk factors and in different settings than things like uric acid stones or cysteine stones. Stone formation not necessarily as related to causes but more as risk factors and the more risk factors you have the more likely you are to form the stones or the more significant of one risk factor you have for  example, so kidney stones form in the kidneys when the chemical composition of the urine gets to a  point where the minerals like calcium and oxalate and phosphate  come together and form that stone right in the middle of kidney you have to have the perfect environment  for that  stone to form so here are the 10 things we think are the biggest risk factors for somebody to develop kidney stones.

Kidney stones : Cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention Such as :-

  Low urine output.

·         High urine calcium

·         Low urine citrate

·         High urine oxalate.

·         Male biological sex at birth

·         Too much animal protein

·         High sodium diet

·         Family history

·         Medications

·         Past stone history

kidney stone formation

 Symptoms :-

·         There will be a stomach ache

·         there will be blood in the urine

·         You will have frequent urinary infections

·         Some patients do not show any symptoms even if they have kidney stones.

·         Flank pain

·         pain radiates to lower abdomen and groin

·         Urine volumes may be smaller than normal

       Sometimes there will be a burning sensation while urinating

    Treatment :

There are many types of treatment for kidney disease. We should get ourselves examined in the first stages. We should consult a doctor and get all the tests done as prescribed by the doctor. Urea and serum creatnine should be checked in the blood. There are other tests as well such as :


2.sodium potassium(Na+/K+)

3.kft (Kidney function test)


5.uric acid



8. pth test (parathyroid hormone)

Along with this, urine analysis should also be done to check whether the protein and sugar levels in urine are correct or not. Ultrasound also reveals the kidney stones and its condition and part of the kidney. In this field, the size and position of the kidney stone is known. If the size of the kidney stone is very small, then the doctor will advise to take some medicine, if it is big, then after talking to the doctor, an operation should be done.

Prevention :

1. 4-6 litres. of water is required daily.

2. you should exercise at least 30-45 minutes a day.

3. we have to stay away from junk food as much as possible.

4.  we will eat green vegetables every day.

5. do not drink too many cold drinks etc.

6. eat salt in less quantity.








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