About liver and it's function

About of Liver :

The largest organ and the largest gland in our body called liver. Liver is located in the upper right hand person of the abdominal Cavity.15-22  cm In it's dimensions  and weight about 1.5 kg.

It is dark reddish-brown in color and lies just beneath the diaphragm more towards the ride side of abdomen.The liver is divided into two main lobes join together falciform ligament.

About liver and it's function

Each liver lobe is made of a number of smaller lobules covered by a thin layer of connective tissue called Glisson’s capsules.Lobules structural and functional units of liver.Human liver is four lobed.The hepatic  artery and the hepatic portal vein bring the blood to the liver which is drained into the inferior vena cava by hepatic vein.On the under surface of the liver lies a pear shaped gall bladder which is about 10-15 cm long and 2.5 cm wide.It serves as reservoir for bile which is secreted in the liver.Liver cells secrete bile into bile ductules which in turn open into hepatic ducts.The hepatic duct  from liver and cystic duct from the gallbladder join to form a common bile duct.About 600-1000 ml of bile is secreted by  liver everyday.

About liver and it's function

 Functions of liver : 

Important liver functions is below:


  • Secretion of liver is bile.its a dark green color alkaline fluid consisting of bile salts,bile pigment.cholesterol etc.
  • Renders chyme alkaline for action of pancreatic juice.
  • It brings about emulsification of fats.
  • Helps in removal of excretory products such as bile pigments,inorganic salts,toxin etc.
  • It stimulates peristalsis.
  • Liver synthesizes various enzymes,vitamins and lymph.
  • It stores vitamins,glucose,inorganic salts of iron and copper,and ribonuclcoproteins.
  • It produces red blood cells in embryos.
  •  Liver sinusoids act as blood reservoirs.
  • Lymph formation also occurs in liver.
  • It helps in glycogenesis and glycogenolysis.
  • It checks anaemia and regulates bodyheart.
  • Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances.
  • Bile salts help in absorption of fat soluble vitamins like ‘K’.
  • liver is the most important organ for metabolism in vertebrates.

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